Nanophysics day of PhOM department (Physics of Wave and Matter) 19 October 2017
19 Oct 2017 Palaiseau (France)


This Nanophysics day will give an overview over the current trends in Nanophysics, covering a large spectrum going from fundamental aspects down to the applications. The event is organized by the Nanophysics pole in the department Physics of Wave and Matter (PhOM) of University Paris-Saclay. This day will be the occasion to invite and listen to four European speakers that are leaders in the respective fields.

Thursday 19 October 2017
Amphitheatre Faurre
École polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

The day, which stresses the latest developements in nanophysics, is opened to any person belonging to University Paris-Saclay. The morning is dedicated to 4 plenary talks, 45 minutes long, from invited speakers outside the Paris-Saclay University. After a lunch buffet and poster session, the afternoon will be dedicated to 4 parallel sessions, one for each of the scientific themes of the Nanophysics pole in the PhOM department.


There is no registration fee, but the number of participants is limited to 100. The coffee breaks and the buffet are offered by the PhOM department.

To participate to this meeting, please register on the left hand side by clicking "Registration" (mandatory), possibly by creating an account if you do not already have one.

To present a poster, please submit the corresponding title by clicking "Submit" on the left hand side (an abstract is not necessary).

The talks will be given in ENGLISH.

Display of the day

Download the poster of the meeting in Adobe Acrobat pdf format or Microsoft Powerpoint pptx format ou png format.


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